Friday 31 August 2018


Acerca de CBNT?

CBNT es un sistema profesional de intercambio de contenido basado en tecnología de cadena de bloques y parte del modelo DPGC (Contenido Generado Profesional Descentralizado) donde se compartirá el contenido relacionado con la inversión profesional en finanzas. CBNT tiene como objetivo crear una situación de ganar y ganar para los escritores de artículos, lectores y titulares de fichas. Tanto el productor de contenido como el lector recibirán una recompensa minera basada en su esfuerzo. A medida que la plataforma crezca, el tráfico comenzará a aumentar y luego colocarán anuncios. Los ingresos generados por los anuncios también se distribuirán entre todos los participantes de acuerdo con su trabajo.

Antecedentes del proyecto

Todos los que conocen Internet tienen cuentas de redes sociales en Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. La visita diaria de millones de usuarios a estos sitios, pero al final del día, los usuarios de los sitios de redes sociales ganan millones recolectando datos de los usuarios, y los usuarios reciben solo recompensas. CBNT hace cosas que no le hacen justicia a los usuarios que crean contenido para que comiencen a crear un sistema donde los usuarios sean recompensados ​​haciendo trabajo en redes sociales. CBNT resuelve el problema del sistema de redes sociales actual y recompensa a cualquier colaborador que crea valor produciendo contenido único.

¿Cómo funciona?

CBNT premia a los creadores de contenido de alta calidad con más tokens, por lo que más personas comienzan a crear contenido único y valioso que, en última instancia, aumenta el tráfico de red. Steemit tiene una idea similar, pero en Steemit no hay una regla que premie el contenido de calidad más. Los creadores de contenido de alta calidad generan una gran cantidad de tráfico que genera valores de anuncios. Los creadores de contenido también experimentarán beneficios adicionales, como lecturas pagas, pagos compartidos y preguntas pagas y sesiones de respuesta. El sistema de publicidad simbólica CBNT será transparente para todos los usuarios para proteger a las personas que tienen los tokens, y los anunciantes pueden comprar anuncios en BTC, ETH y otras monedas digitales.

En la página principal de inicio de los autores, se abrirá la publicidad y los ingresos se compartirán entre los autores y sus seguidores. Los creadores de contenido obtienen el máximo y todos los seguidores deben entregar KCY para garantizar la alta calidad de los usuarios. El sistema sin spam permite a los anunciantes decidir sobre la compra de anuncios y aumentar el retorno de la inversión. Los ingresos de publicidad generados se comparten entre todos los titulares de tokens mediante la creación de instantáneas por hora. El equipo personal de CNBT y los treinta usuarios pueden votar y formar parte de un sistema de publicidad mejorado.

Sistema Minero CBNT:

Cada token de datos CBNT como una bonificación minera se distribuye entre los miembros de la comunidad en un momento dado. La distribución de recompensas será así; 45% para los creadores de contenido, 45% para los lectores que les gusta, compartir o comentar, y otro 10% se le dará a los propietarios de los tokens. Cada usuario tiene su propio valor basado en su compromiso, cuanto mayor es el valor del usuario, mayor es la ganancia que recibe. Se alienta a los usuarios a promocionar solo contenido de alta calidad cuanto antes les guste y compartir ese contenido, mayor será la recompensa que reciban.

Información del token:

Símbolo simbólico: CBNT

Suministro total: 10 mil millones

Tipo de token: ERC20

Distribución de tokens:

Mapa vial

Marzo de 2018ChipT puesta en marcha del proyecto; preparación para las reglas comerciales, diseño de procesos y comunicación con creadores de contenido, etc.

Sep. 2018la publicación de la versión beta de CBNT; invite a los miembros de la comunidad a formar un equipo beta y completar una prueba del sistema.

Octubre de 2018, lista de la versión CBNT 1.0, disponible para usuarios de iOS y Android.

Sep. 2019Garantice gradualmente la toma de decisiones grupales y establezca una comunidad distribuida autogestionada con co-construcción de ecosistemas, gobernanza comunitaria e intercambio de ingresos, y en la que cada titular de CBNT pueda participar en elecciones comunitarias, actividades de toma de decisiones empresariales , etc.

Para obtener más información, visite el siguiente enlace:


Bienvenido, mi querido lector, estoy aquí para escribir un artículo de proyecto muy prometedor sobre
ARROUND que es una plataforma de realidad aumentada a través de la cual se crean nuevas oportunidades de publicidad, trabajando con el uso de la tecnología blockchain. Los usuarios comunes podrán interactuar con los elementos de la realidad aumentada (en adelante AR) a través de la aplicación para dispositivos móviles. Además de usuarios, la plataforma ARROUND podrá unir marcas, anunciantes, agencias de publicidad y desarrolladores de tecnologías AR dentro de su ecosistema. El movimiento hacia el desarrollo de las tecnologías VR y AR hoy en día es uno de los más prometedores, como lo demuestra la gran cantidad de empresas que trabajan en esta industria. Esto también se indica por la capitalización de estas compañías.

¿Qué problemas resuelve esta plataforma? El problema para los anunciantes es la sobresaturación del mercado publicitario en el mundo real, lo que conduce a una disminución en la efectividad de las campañas publicitarias, y al crecimiento de los costos financieros por ello. ARROUND crea un nuevo espacio para colocar publicidad donde tendrá una orientación de destino, y requerirá mucho menos costo. Además, esta plataforma resuelve el problema de las tecnologías de AR que no se reclaman. Sobre esta base, habrá interacción entre los anunciantes y los desarrolladores de AR, lo que alentará a estos últimos a desarrollar nuevas tecnologías.

La herramienta principal en la comunicación de publicistas y usuarios será una aplicación para dispositivos móviles. Es a través de él que los usuarios podrán ver anuncios y otros artículos publicados en AR. La aplicación en sí está disponible para descargar (para el sistema Android), pero está en modo de prueba, por lo que el usuario promedio no podrá registrarse todavía. El concepto básico dentro de la aplicación es "redondo". Esto es contenido digital (objeto 3D, imagen, texto, enlace a algún recurso) vinculado a una ubicación específica. En condiciones de AR, existen amplias oportunidades para utilizar rondas con fines de marketing. Por lo tanto, los usuarios normales podrán crear sus propias rondas (que solo podrán verse a sí mismas o a sus amigos). Los anunciantes estarán disponibles con una funcionalidad más amplia en la creación de dicho contenido: puede ser un anuncio de banner plano (que contiene no solo texto o imagen, sino también video), objetos 3D, navegación. Al mismo tiempo, la visibilidad de cada ronda para los usuarios se puede configurar dependiendo de los fines publicitarios, así como del plan tarifario adquirido por el anunciante.

En la aplicación ARROUND hay tres componentes principales: la cámara (a través de la cual se produce la interacción con elementos AR), la fuente de noticias de las rondas (el usuario recibe noticias solo de aquellas rondas para las cuales está suscrito), el mapa con la pantalla de visualización rondas en el terreno. También habrá diferentes roles de usuario: un usuario ordinario (interactúa con rondas de anunciantes y otros usuarios, tiene oportunidades limitadas para crear rondas), un blogger profesional (tiene una funcionalidad más amplia para crear rondas), una cuenta de marca (cuenta de empresa), una cuenta de agente de publicidad (creación de contenido publicitario utilizando una amplia gama de herramientas), un moderador (asesora a los usuarios sobre problemas emergentes, controla la creación de rondas de acuerdo con las reglas internas). También vale la pena señalar aquí que dentro de la plataforma ARROUND hay un Portal, un recurso web a través del cual los publicistas y bloggers pueden administrar su contenido, pagar por el uso de los servicios de la plataforma.
¿Qué es interesante para los usuarios de esta plataforma de ARROUND? Lo primero y más importante es la capacidad de filtrar anuncios no interesantes, noticias, etc. un usuario normal, que mira, por ejemplo, en el centro comercial a través de la cámara del teléfono inteligente podrá ver su interés, la publicidad de los productos. Además, existe la oportunidad de crear sus propias rondas o rondas para ver a sus amigos. Para los anunciantes, se crean condiciones muy buenas para realizar campañas publicitarias, lo que les permite contar con un alto rendimiento. El contenido publicitario creado está dirigido, y será visible solo para aquellos usuarios que estén interesados ​​en él y que sean clientes potenciales. Además, la publicidad dentro de AR requerirá mucho menos costos financieros (ya que no existen intermediarios, promotores, no hay costos para la producción física de publicidad, su instalación, etc.). Esto significa que la publicidad en un Billboard en el mundo real será mucho más cara que colocarla en este lugar, solo en AR. Las condiciones también se crean para el trabajo de agencias de publicidad y autónomos. Usando las herramientas de la plataforma, podrán crear el contenido necesario para publicitar a los clientes.

El uso de tokens

El token ARRAY (creado en el blockchain de Ethereum) es la única unidad interna de pago. Los usuarios que dependen de su rol en esta plataforma y sus características pagarán a ARROUND. Primero, ARR se puede comprar en todas las etapas de la venta, y luego estará disponible en los intercambios. En el futuro, el equipo planea cambiar a su propia cadena de bloques.
Venta de tokens
Token - ARR
Preventa - 27 de febrero de 2018 1 de mayo de 2018
Venta privada - hasta el 15 de septiembre de 2018 (bonificación del 40%)
Token-sale - 15 de septiembre de 2018 15 de noviembre de 2018.
Precio del token: $ 0.035
El monto mínimo de los honorarios: $ 5 000 000
El monto máximo de las tarifas es de $ 30 000 000
Fichas creadas: 3 000 000 000 ARR (las fichas no vendidas se quemarán)

La distribución de tokens:
48.3% - ventas
8,2% de bonificación en el momento de la venta
22% - Fondo de desarrollo comunitario y liquidez (incluye asesores, socios, etc.))
10% del Fondo para el apoyo de los titulares de los nodos Maestros
10% - comando
1.5% de recompensa

Los miembros del equipo están representados en el sitio junto con enlaces a sus páginas en LinkedIn. Tenga en cuenta que solo hay 9 personas, lo que nos permite suponer que no todos son miembros del equipo. SEO este proyecto es Neil Bryant, desde 2003 trabajando en Moscú. Antes de eso, ocupó puestos relacionados con actividades financieras y de marketing en empresas como Badoo, PayOnline, Alpari Group, RIA Novosti. Entre los participantes observamos a Artem Haritonov, quien también participó en el equipo del proyecto KYC.LEGAL, y Kate Bublik, que participó en el equipo del proyecto Humancoin.

Prestemos atención al equipo de asesores. Hay 5 de ellos. El más famoso de ellos: Vladimir Nikitin (participó en tales proyectos: KYC.LEGAL, Pecunio, FTEC, DIW Token, Nauticus, Worldopoly, Enlte, Iagon) y Nathan Christian (participó en tales proyectos: Moonlite, VeriME, Friendz, Online, Worldopoly, Bulleon, Datablockchain).

Todos deberían decidir si participar o no en la venta del token. No voy a negar la disposición personal a este proyecto. Y es absolutamente razonable. El desarrollo activo de las tecnologías VR y AR es lo que nos espera en el futuro cercano, y el mercado de esta industria es difícil de imaginar. Y la idea de usar AR para crear un espacio publicitario alternativo me parece muy exitosa. La plataforma ARROUND no solo puede resolver muchos problemas existentes en el mercado publicitario, sino que también crea las condiciones para su desarrollo más efectivo. Además, ya hemos señalado anteriormente que será interesante y útil no solo para los anunciantes, sino también para los usuarios comunes, bloggers, agencias de publicidad y autónomos, desarrolladores de AR.

Thursday 30 August 2018


О проекте

Спортивное сообщество является одним из крупнейших секторов экономики, который, по оценкам, приносит доход в миллиарды долларов, поскольку включает в себя создание различных товаров из различных спортивных брендов, которые люди, увлеченные спортом, тратят разумные деньги на их покупку. Кроме того, они часто заинтересованы в получении различных спортивных навыков и экипировки в качестве средства осуществления или развлечения на протяжении многих лет

Что такое платформа Allsporter:

Allsporter является спортивным рынком для ваших повседневных пользователей или спортом также дает всем пользователям возможность поделиться своим спортивным снаряжением или навыками децентрализованным и безопасным способом. Используя блокчайн, пользователи могут оплачивать услуги, зарабатывать очки и получать вознагражден за предоставление определенного продукта или услуг.

Экосистема для одноярусной модели blockchain с токенами, циркулирующей между пользователями как валютой, что делает ICO трамплином для будущего роста.

Платформа Allsporter была создана для оказания помощи спортивной общественности с проблемами они сталкиваются в получении оборудования для обучения, а также навыков, необходимого для использования этого оборудования через децентрализованный человек к человеку экосистеме.

Чтобы это стало возможным, платформа использует технологию blockchain, которая будет отвечать за немедленный вход в необходимые данные, и эти данные записываются на блок-цепочке таким образом, что их нельзя подделать и распространять для обеспечения максимальной защиты от взлома и обеспечивает легкий доступ для фильтрации данных.

Преимущества платформы Allsporter

1 Ликвидация посредников, которые создают ограничения и более высокие пошлины за приобретение и экипировку спортивных навыков.

2 Спортивные тренеры и владельцы оборудования, которые являются пользователями этой платформы, получают мгновенную выплату своих средств им в виде токена ASC без прохождения через посредников.

Информация о токенах

Знак этой платформы обозначается как ASC, который означает монету Allsporter и представляет собой токен утилиты, структурированный в соответствии со стандартными блоками Ethereum, полезными для электронного кошелька, предлагаемого платформой.

Allsporter был основан в 2016 году на базе спортивной страсти и исследований на рынке. В спортивной индустрии была огромная ниша в области технологий. Рынок услуг по обучению или аренде оборудования по-прежнему работает, как и 20 лет назад. AllSporter - это игровой чейнджер и предлагает полное предложение обучения и спортивного оборудования для всех видов спорта в одном приложении / Интернете. Запуск Allsporter состоялся в 2017 году в Варшаве, Польша и получил отличные отзывы от спортивной индустрии. Теперь пришло время для глобальных девелопмента и новых инноваций, таких как blockchain.

Ниже вы найдете нашу дорожную карту:

Q4'18 - Разработка /

масштабирование / рост платформы AllSporter

в Центральной Восточной Европе

Q4'18 - Запуск IN-потока

учебная площадка

Q1-19 - Исследование расширения


Q2'19 - Введение

Программное обеспечение AllSporter для организаторов мероприятий

Q2'19 - Расширение до азиатского

рынок и реализация

больших инструментов данных

Q4'19 - Расширение до

Соединенные Штаты Америки

Q4'20 - Расширение рынка


Q1'20 - Расширение до западного

Европейский рынок и Pacifc

Q1'19 - Разработка монетного кошелька

и внедрение в приложении allsporter

& запуск боковой цепи

Интеграция с приложением AllSporter

Вариант оплаты Cryptocurrency

Награды AllSporter для победителей

В заключение, платформа Allsporter выведет на спортивный рынок и экосистему лучшее средство для осуществления платежей, обеспечения транзакций и одновременного доведения до полной прозрачности через технологию blockchain

для получения дополнительной информации посетите следующую ссылку:
Web Application:
Telegram channel:
Bitcointalk profile link:;u=1460674


Render It , is a computer graphics rendering solution provider established out of passion for hardware and innovative technologies. As a business we rent out expensive, high performance hardware, to aid in performing various tasks, to
professional firms or creative individuals, who cannot afford to purchase or maintain such equipment.

 Our goal is to shift the cost of computing power to a minimum, while also reducing the price of our service choices. Because of our interest not only focus on computer graphics and hardware rendering, but also includes Blockchain technology that enables the existence of cryptocurrency; the virtual currency itself and the scope of verification of block chain transactions, the means of the new used digital assets generated and obtained, commonly known as mining. Along with our passion and experience in this field, we decided to join this revolutionary system of virtual assets and our own cryptocurrency design which we call 'Render It Coin', and symbolized by 'RNDIT'. We believe the future of our company is closely related to the completion and installation of Render It Coin, which is a respected, standard and valuable form of payment for services provided by our association.

Company - Render It
The company was founded on the green islands of Ireland, which has been our home for more than a decade, along with Render It, we also run separate individual businesses that also revolve around technology. Our establishment began when we discovered that we shared common goals and interest, computer hardware.

With access to the latest graphics cards we got, we started sharing remote access with people who were interested in enabling demanding processing of computer tasks, such as creating three-dimensional models, visual or video. Soon it became clear there were markets for people asking for options such as it becomes available. The expansion of our takeoff equipment and we have signed our first permanent contract with animation and professional studios to establish the first subdivision under our company name, which we suffix with 'agriculture'. The branching result is a new part of our company called Render It Farm, where we host and advertise our offerings and services in the form of various contract hardware loans. The throughput processing unit, or graphics card, is not limited exclusively to processing computer graphics complicated and has been found useful in processing complex mathematical equations and algorithms, which means that this computing capacity can also be used to perform tasks such as machine learning models, statistical analysis and mining cryptocurrency.

The increasing popularity of digital currencies has led us to pay attention and direct our focus towards this newly established area, we began to program our facilities to start mining various currency values ​​and store them into the funds of our private company. Soon after this we designed a new contract for our website to reflect the new offer, such as a mining contract for many years for people who were unable to obtain the hardware used to perform this task. We recognize the cost of maintaining and maintaining special hardware is expensive, therefore we do our best to minimize the costs involved as small as possible, but the limitations caused by electricity providers prevent us from making a significant reduction. We have achieved our goal of continuously reducing equipment operating costs at our premises, the main item in our list of plans for the future and our biggest vision is contract building contracts with leading suppliers of high quality services in the renewable sector, Obelisk, to build our own personal wind turbines located on the island of Ireland, where strong winds enter
Cryptocurrency - Render It Coin
Render It Coin, symbolized by RNDIT and for simplicity referred to as 'Coins' or 'tokens' for the purpose of this paper, is our own cryptocurrency designed and supported by the ERC20 smart contract brought by Ethereum Owned, designed and managed by our company Render It , it will act as the primary payment method and mediator currency for all other supported forms of payment that we receive in exchange for our services. As it is still in the birth stage, it is offered in one phase, usually called an 'Initial Coin Offering' or 'ICO' for a short time by experts in this area of ​​business, with little price and can be achieved using a general credit card payment form and even popular cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin [1] or Ethereum. After the ICO stage is complete and our coins are truly designed and distributed, we will register them on global and local digital currency exchange lists, where it becomes exchanged with other famous cryptocurrency , which we have mentioned before and many more. Building our own cryptocurrency demands the specifications of a capacity of amont, meaning that it sets the maximum limit that will regulate our coin supply, which we decide to fix 5 million tokens. this is the optimal amount

Render It Coin feature
1) Supported by Ethereum
Our coin-powered Ethereum design will inherit the recognition that this intelligent contract-based currency already has and will be well known by global exchanges. Because Ethereum already utilizes the Blockchain capability, our coins also succeed in the amazing features of this technological innovation such as, worldwide access, desertification, anonymity, fraud prevention and others.
2) Constant value in Render It
We develop and introduce Render It Coin, therefore it will always maintain its value when used as a payment instrument in exchange for services offered on our platform.
3) Banned
During ICO coins will be available to withdraw at any time. You can withdraw purchased tokens into your wallet during and after the ICO.
4) Coins supported by high specification hardware assets

Benefit from Render It Coin
1) Reducing Energy costs
To achieve our goals and complete our vision, we will distribute funds collected by our investors to build personal wind turbines that will reduce the operating energy costs associated with turning on our facilities. It also paves the way for induction of unique innovative offers and services.
2) Acceptance Coins
Render It Coin will be a respected and accepted form of payment for all transactions that can be carried out on our platform and is always valued at a constant level, reducing that level if our cryptocurrency gains on value.
3) Renting Upscale Computer Hardware
Buyers can exchange this coin to rent high-end computer hardware Render It Platform.

We created Render It Coin for hardware & professional fans to make sophisticated computer hardware rentals cheap & easily accessible
1. Our goal is to invest in the construction of our own WIND TURBINE - a renewable energy source.
2. This provides a way for our customers to turn on their devices on our farms with low energy and maintenance costs.
3. We want to expand our current service line, and provide a new contract offer on the Render It Farm platform.
4. At the same time we will try to reduce costs and improve our equipment to a new generation of special FPGA cards.
5. Render It Coin gives you easier access to the rendering engine and new mining contracts.
All money collected during ICO at 80% will be allocated for the purchase of mining equipment (such as FPGA Cards, Antminer, etc.) and turbines that provide free energy
90% of the revenue generated in mining cryptocurrency mining will be used for payments to investors who have invested in our projects during ICO and will maintain RNDIT on our platform. Every user who will store their coins in our online wallet will receive a percentage of agricultural income (in BTC), distributed equally among users. The investor's income will be based on the number of coins held.

the remaining 10% is left for maintenance and replacement of equipment (maintenance - payment to us and employees related to agriculture) (replacement - power supply and running equipment)
We dedicate revenue from leasing high specification computers to upgrade equipment and equipment replacement to make it better in order to keep mining difficult. We will be able to save payments to investors at a high level for a long time.
Render It Coin ICO Distribution

MARCH, 2017Development & Team Structuring.
SEPTEMBER, 2017Location of premises for server storage 3000 square meters and first purchase of rendering equipment at a total cost of € 45,000.
NOVEMBER – DECEMBER 2017The beginning of our collaboration with animation studios; Signing a perpetual contract with ProSoft Ireland for the supply of electrical appliances; Completed a perpetual contract with Altaria Studio Poland to provide computing power
JANUARY, 2018 Provision of our computer power services for regular customers.
FEBRUARY, 2018 purchase of additional equipment for a total cost of € 20,000; Estimated monthly net income of 3,500 € from our services.
MARCH, 2018Official registration of our company in Ireland and start of the website of
APRIL, 2018Cryptocurrency design as a means of payment to receive funds for the needs of the company’s development and to minimize the costs of the results.
MAY, 2018 Implementing Render It Coin as an Ethereum Agreement (ERC20) and publishing our website.
JUNE – SEPTEMBER 2018The start of the pre-ICO sale. Writing and composing an informative whitepaper; Launch of the first coin offer Crowdsale & Advertising.
OCTOBER – DECEMBER, 2018Our coin switches to local and external stock exchange listing; Creating crypto roles on our servers to secure customer financial data and their cryptocurrencies; Creating an online market and currency exchange in the European Union on our servers.
JANUARY, 2019 Acquisition of land for the construction of a multimedia campus using funds from investors; Creating new employment opportunities and opening a training center with the aim of recruiting creative, inventive people; Raising capital to acquire a private wind turbine to minimize the cost of its use; Expanding our facilities with additional high-end computer hardware; Development of mobile rendering applications and remote access software (freeware); Sharing our computing power with universities, research institutions and scientific institutions; Donate 1% of our revenue to charity.
Grzegorz Dzikowski
Co-Founder CEO & Hardware Specialist
Szymon ‘Simon’ Gnjadek
Co-founder CEO, hardware and software specialist
“Remy” Chincha Remix
Co-founder CEO, IT & Hardware Specialist
Tomasz ‘Thomas’ Jaworski
Animation and rendering expert
Michał Hryciuk
Software Engineer and Lead Web Developer
Shikha Dadhwal
Social media manager
For more information visit the following link:
Bitcointalk profile link:;u=1460674

DESICO-Welcome to the World of Security Tokens"

About the project


DESICO is the world’s first platform to issue, buy, and sell security tokens in full compliance with the law


DESICO is the world’s first platform to issue, buy, and sell security tokens in full compliance with the law. Its ecosystem will disrupt the global $155 billion venture capital market by introducing security tokens through blockchain.
1: No infrastructure to issue security tokens
DESICO's solution: DESICO will create a legally compliant, and therefore game-changing infrastructure to issue and trade security tokens. DESICO's infrastructure will consist of a security token offerings platform, a security token exchange, and a payment system.
2: A lack of post-ICO liquidity
DESICO's solution: DESICO will operate a security token exchange as a key part of its infrastructure. This exchange will provide immediate liquidity to any security tokens issued by any business listed on the DESICO platform. The exchange will be subject to regulatory supervision.
3: A lack of liquidity for ICOs in converting crypto assets to fiat currencies
DESICO's solution: DESICO will have a fiat-to-crypto payment system. This will allow DESICO to execute payments and manage payment accounts, whilst ICO-funded businesses using DESICO will be able to manage both their crypto and fiat holdings.
Lithuania’s Minister of Finance, Vilius Šapoka, credited DESICO for fostering the country’s “fintech and blockchain communities by promoting the settlement of global blockchain and fintech businesses in Lithuania.”
Furthermore, in June 2018, DESICO secured $100,000 USD worth of funding after ranking among the TOP 3 from 160 ICOs in the prestigious ICO Race competition in Lugano, Switzerland.
DESICO's team members have worked together for a number of years, built successful businesses, and bring a unique mix of legal, financial, and marketing knowledge to develop an crowdfunding platform for the next generation of ICOs.
 Token distribution
DESICO will sell 51% of the total token supply during all stages of the crowdsale event. Unsold DESI tokens will be burned. Tokens allocated to the team will have a lock up period of 12 months.


2015 Q3
DESICO core team establishes p2p lending platform. Key features: real time bidding, automated investments, secondary market, user friendly interface
2017 Q1
DESICO core team launches crowdfunding platform for businesses
2017 Q3
DESICO core team receives E-money license
2018 Q2 / Q3
DESICO Tokensale
2018 Q2
Formation of developers team. Promoting the platform among blockchain community
2018 Q1
DESICO core team - becomes a member of the ICO regulatory development team, setup by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania
2019 Q2
Launch of Security ICO platform - Beta version
2019 Q3
Launch of payment system for Crypto/fiat
2019 Q4
Launch of built-in exchange.
Opening of office in Amsterdam and Berlin
2020 Q4
Launch of Security ICO platform - full version
for more detailed visit the following link shown below.

Bitcointalk profile link:;u=1460674

Tuesday 28 August 2018

2018 년의 암호화 메가 트렌드 : 보안 토큰

보안 토큰은 무엇이며 유틸리티 토큰 및 통화 동전의 현재 경관과 어떻게 다른가요?

그걸 부셔 버리자.

통화 동전

간단하고 간단합니다. 그것들은 디지털 상점의 가치로 사용되거나 비트 코인 (Bitcoin), 리터 코인 (Litecoin), 대시 (Dash), 나노 (Nano)와 같은 온라인 피어 투 피어 지불 네트워크로 사용됩니다.

유틸리티 토큰

예를 들어,이 토큰은 Ethereum의 똑똑한 계약에 연료를 공급하거나 Golem과 같은 컴퓨팅 파워를 구매하는 데 사용될 수 있습니다.

현재 많은 유틸리티 토큰 ICO는 가능한 한 많은 정보를 회피하기 위해 around-about 메소드를 사용하고 있습니다. 이 때문에 투자자는 사기의 위험이 더 큽니다. 우리는 이미 AriseBank가 수행 한 6 억 달러 사기를 포함하여 1 조 달러 상당의 자본을 거의 보았습니다.

보안 토큰

장래의 이익을 기대하는 무언가에 대한 법적인 준수 토큰 화입니다. 보안 토큰 (ST)은 부동산, 주식, 채권, 자산, 회사 및 배당을 창출하는 투자의 실현을 허용합니다.

우리 경제에 이미 적용되어있는 전술 한 부문 외에도 ST는 제품 창작자와 서비스 제공자를 토큰 화하여 엄청난 양의 새로운 경제 투자를 개방하고자합니다. 우리는 곧 예술가, 뮤지션 앨범, 영화, 치과 의사 사무소 및 변호사 회사와 같은 전문 서비스를 토큰화할 수 있기를 원하며 배당금, 지불금 및 토큰 형태로 모든 것을 추진하고 있습니다. 가격 인상.

매우 보수적인데, 우리는 잠재적 인 보안 시장 북쪽에 100 달러를보고 있습니다. 글로벌 부동산 시장은 그 자체로 217 억 달러의 가치가 있습니다. 총 유틸리티 및 지불 시장은 현재 $ 0.5T 미만입니다.

기관 투자가 및 헤지 펀드는 투기 적 암호 방벽 공간에 진입하는 속도가 느립니다. 투자의 토큰 화 및 최적화로 이미 익숙하고 편안합니다. 보안 토큰은 큰 돈이 유입되는 촉매제입니다.

그렇다면 왜 보안 토큰이 필요합니까?
현재 STS 인 자산은 토큰 화되는 중입니다. 보안 토큰은 빠르고 저렴하며 서류 작업을 줄이고 24/7 운영되는 투명하고 거래 가능한 글로벌 분산 시장을 허용합니다.

유동성 증가
현재 저비용으로 순간적으로 부동산이나 자산의 분수를 거래 할 수 있습니까? 답변 : 아무데도! 보안 토큰은 부동산과 같이 세계의 모든 자산을 마이크로 소유로 취급하고 전 세계적으로 즉각 온라인으로 교환 할 수 있도록하려는 것입니다. 유동성 부족은 자산 비용의 20 %를 초과 할 수 있습니다. 12 페이지. 바로 저기로 전환 할 이유가 충분합니다! 유동성이 없으면 50 만 달러는 이제 겨우 400,000 달러에 불과합니다. 당신이 팔린 적이 있다면, 나는 당신이 관련 될 수 있다고 확신합니다. "나는 내 집을 다른 달과 마찬가지로 계속 지키고 있는가, 아니면 가격을 3 만 달러 더 내야 하나?" 소유권을 세분 할 수있을 때 최소 투자는 무한히 줄어들 수 있습니다. 다가오는 예는 Airbnb에서 임대 한 주택을 구입할 수있는 플랫폼입니다. 판매하고자 할 때, 그것은 세계 시장에서 판매됩니다. 토큰 화 된 시분할 세계 경제가 가까이에있을 수 있지만, 그것은 완전히 다른 주제입니다.

출시 비용 절감

토큰 화 비용은 IPO를 실행하기 위해 토큰 화하는 것보다 훨씬 저렴하고 쉽고 빠릅니다. IPO를 실행하기위한 비용은 제기 된 총 자금의 10-12 %를 소비 할 수 있습니다. 또한 IPO를 시작하기 위해 토큰 화하는 데 소요되는 시간이 절반도 걸리지 않습니다. 5 년 후, 모든 규정면이 완성되면, 전통적인 IPO 방식에 비해 토큰 화를 선택하는 회사는 아무렇지 않게 생각하고 싶어합니다.

Anthony Pompliano가 발췌하여 남긴 단어들 :

"# 낮은 수수료

금융 거래와 관련된 많은 수수료는 중개인 (은행가 등)에게 지불해야하는 금액에서 파생됩니다. 보안 토큰은 수수료를 절감하고 현명한 계약을 맺는 대부분의 은행가에 대한 필요성을 제거합니다. 이러한 현명한 계약은 증권 관리 (서명 수집, 자금 송금, 배포 수표 우편 발송, W-2 수집, K-9 발송 등)를 통해 복잡성, 비용 및 서류 작업을 줄여줍니다.

신속한 거래 실행

거래에 참여하는 사람이 많을수록 일반적으로 실행하는 데 더 오래 걸립니다. 보안 토큰이 투자 거래에서 중개인을 제거하면 발급 기관이 보안을 성공적으로 제공 할 수있는 가속화 된 타임 라인을 가능하게합니다. 또한 보안 토큰에 대한 중개 시장에서의 즉각적인 거래 정산은 발행인 및 투자자에게도 매력이되고 싶어합니다.

자유 시장 노출

오늘날 대부분의 투자 거래. 예를 들어, 투자자가 미국의 개인 회사 나 부동산에 투자하는 것이 어렵습니다. 보안 토큰을 사용하면 자산 소유자가 인터넷 연결이있는 사람 (거래 제한 범위 내)에게 거래를 판매 할 수 있습니다. 이 자유 시장 노출은 자산 평가의 중요한 변화에 노출되어서는 안됩니다.

더 큰 투자자 기초

자산 소유자가 인터넷에 연결할 여력이 없다면 잠재적 인 투자자 기반이 급격히 증가합니다. 예를 들어, 미국 공인 투자자 및 기관 또는 세계의 모든 잠재적 투자자에게 투자 기회를 보여 주시겠습니까? 경쟁은 건강하고 장기적인 금융 시장에 좋은 것입니다.

자동화 된 서비스 기능

변호사는 대부분의 거래에서 중개인이 적고 서비스 제공 업체가 더 많습니다. 보안 토큰을 통해 발급자는 소프트웨어를 통해 서비스 공급자 기능을 자동화하기 위해 현명한 계약을 맺기를 원합니다. 그렇다고 변호사가 더 많은 자문을 원한다는 의미는 아닙니다. "

이제 보안 토큰이 현재 설치된 모델보다 나은 이유를 알았습니다. 그러나 빠르게 발전하지만 규제는 그렇지 않습니다. 엄청난 양의 증권에 대한 정확한 틀을 수립하는 데는 수년이 걸릴 수 있습니다.
보안 토큰과 유틸리티 토큰이 공존 할 수 있습니까?
100 %! Ethereum과 Bitcoin이 공존 할 수있는 것처럼 그들은 개별 기능을 제공합니다. 보안 토큰과 유틸리티 토큰은 해당 범주에서 고유 한 용도로 공존 할 수 있습니다.
자세한 내용은 다음 링크를 방문하십시오.

TokenBacon🍖 allow every business to build their blockchain

TokenBacon is a dynamic asset distribution platform with 3 parts: Public Sidechain, Bacon Chain, and API Cloud.
pubic sidechain
Bacon Chain
API Cloud

Public Sidechain

The Public Sidechain is an innovative solution that runs a single sidechain among multiple blockchains and interoperates with all public and private blockchains.
Public Sidechain can interoperate with different existing chains and link to conventional platforms.
 Sidechain - Side chaining is a process that allows tokens from one blockchain to be used on a completely separate blockchain whilst still having the ability to transfer back on to the original blockchain if need be.

Bacon Chain

Bacon Chain is a permissioned ledger chain based on the private assets blockchain.
  • Core : the permissive ledger core
  • Bridge : the link between main chains and Bacon Chain
  • Hook : uploading ledger data to Ethereum
  • Vault : storage of main chain tokens
  • Gate : KYC
  • API : It allows companies to create and integrate token services into applications
 KYC - Know your customer; the process of a business identifying and verifying the identity of its clients to ensure financial compliance and deter money laundering if needed

API Cloud

TokenBacon is more than just a "public side chain"; it also offers a variety of APIs. Enterprise applications can connect to the chain through the TokenBacon SDK.
The benefits of TokenBacon APIs are huge. Companies get the ideal flexibility directly through Bacon chain and don't need to invest a lot of resources to create their own Blockchain protocols.
 API - Application Programming Interface; API is the acronym for Application Programming Interface, which is a software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other. Each time you use an app like Facebook, send an instant message, or check the weather on your phone, you’re using an API.

Token Sale

Bacon Coin (BAK) is the major token of TokenBacon and proxy-token define asset and gateway rule
and gateway rule.
  • 49.95M
  • 45M
    1st Sale
  • 462.5M
    2nd Sale
  • 880M
    3rd Sale
Circulation / Hard Cap880,000,000 BAK
Total Supply2,200,000,000 BAK
Soft Cap45,000,000 BAK
Pricing1 ETH = 5,000BAK
Project ProtocolETH - ERC 20
Accepted TokensBTC, ETH
(The price ratio varies by the Ether official website and the dates)


This is the roadmap for the TokenBacon project and lists what we plan to achieve in the short term.
02 2017
Business model development and market analysis.
07 2017
Core technology and platform establishment
02 2018
Business development and pre-sale of Bacon Coin
04 2018
Public relations and marketing activities initiate
07 2018
Bacon Coin Sale start
09 2018
Bacon Coin Sale finished
Q4 2018
100 Token in Bacon Chain, Baconcoin Top 100 Cryptocurrencies
Q1 2019
300 Token in Bacon Chain, Baconcoin Top 50 Cryptocurrencies



Chief Executive Officer & Founder



Evan Chang

Advisorfor more information visit the following linkWebsite | Whitepaper | Lightpaper | Bounty | ANN ThreadBitcointalk profile link:;u=1460674